Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Apology To Beegists Readers...

I am on bended knees saying i am soooo sorry for not giving you first hand gist in a while. I am very sorry people. I will never ever do this to you all again....sob! sob!! sob!!!

Am i forgiven?


K.B said...
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K.B said...

I wanted to on behalf of beegists followers to forgive you only to find out there is no update yet after the apology. So are you forgiven??? definately NO! Untill there is genuine repentance from beegists with postive change! So repent now!!!

dorkie said...

Yes u are! Glad u back

dorkie said...

Yes u are! Glad u back

dorkie said...

Yes of course! Haba kb stop being harsh! I accept on behalf of beegist folowers!

Anonymous said...

no we do not forgive u!send us hamper.